Title of track: Flick the Switch
Outline of ideas:
- Boy meets Girl story and fall for each at first sight.
- Boy can't afford to spend money on Girl since he his broke but once he reveals this to the Girl, she reveals that she is broke as well and the Boy and Girl make up establishing their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend.
- Lyrics of the song to appear when the chorus sings "and all I want is you / and all I want is you" over footage of the band's performance in the studio whenever they sing those lyrics
- 360 degree pan angle movement of the Boy and Girl in a dark room with different colours blooming in sync with the drum beats.
- A bright strobe light flickering on & off to reference the title of song.
- Stylised use of colouring to make the performance int he studio more interesting.
Resources need:
- Two actors (17-25) one boy and one girl
- Final Cut Pro 7 editing system
- An empty wallet and an empty purse
- Stage lights or another source of high powered lighting
- Dimmer lights and flicker lights
- Two to three cameras with high definition, at least one hand held camera
- A tripod
- A busy shopping district
Justification of ideas in relation to genre and artist:
- The ideas of the narrative is a different, if not opposite, interpretation of the band's narrative of the song. As the song was about a man having dominate control over of his sexual desire because he could spend tons of money on her and stuff she wanted but couldn't get.
- Hand held camera filming for edgy camera movement for a free roaming structure.
- The 360 degree pan movement with different blooming colours serves to act as a sense of weirdness or unexplained accepted sequence to enhance the pleasure viewing of the video.
- The reference to the title with a flickering light tells or gives meaning to the audience a reason as to why its is referenced in the song. This is used with the flashing of the lyrics playing footage of the band as it adds an artistic dimension to it, and serves as a reference to the song.
- Rock and Indie-rock bands often focus on the band's performance but requires ways to keep the audience interested in watching the performance. So using stylised colours and visual effects to make the band's performance more artistic, more edgy and less boring.
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